Here are the top 12 baits that are irresistible to mice.

When you hear that scurrying pitter-patter of tiny claws, you know you have an unwanted furry visitor invading your home. Mice leave a trail of filth and destruction wherever they go, and using a trap is an effective way to get that mouse out of your house!

But first, you have to set your trap so the mouse will be drawn to it. They are actually quite clever little rodents, so you need to make sure that whatever you put into the trap is going to work. Here are the top 12 baits that are irresistible to mice.

Peanut Butter

Not only is this the top item to use as bait, it deserves a special bit of recognition for the way it traps the mice. Firstly, it is absolutely irresistible for mice – they love it! Plus, it takes the mouse quite a lot of time to eat the sticky goodness, so the mouse won’t just grab the bit and run.

Bird Seed

If you have a pet bird, you will know how far the seed can scatter. Mice can’t leave bird seed alone because it is easy for them to eat and they enjoy the taste of it.

Pumpkin Seeds and Sunflower Seeds

These are like treats for the mouse. Anything they can nibble on, or can easily take back to their nest, they go for.


Mice seem to have quite a sweet tooth, so chocolate is a good food to put into a mouse trap. Like the peanut butter, it takes them a while to eat it too.

Breakfast Cereal

Any kind of breakfast cereal will work, but if it’s coated in sugar, it will be doubly effective.

Dog and Cat Food

Mice are also meat eaters and are often drawn to pet food that is left sitting in the bowls. So, pop some into the trap and the mice won’t be far away. For the best results, use the wet pet food rather than dry biscuits – they seem to prefer it!

Jelly Beans

Most types of sweets will attract mice, but they are particularly fond of jelly beans.


Again, those mice have quite a hankering for the sweet stuff! Make sure you break the cookies up into crumb sizes though, as that makes the mouse think he can sneak in and grab it and make a run for it. Silly mouse!

Deli Meats

As long as they don’t spoil too quickly at room temperature, preserved meats from the deli are tempting for mice. Remember to check the bait regularly to make sure it hasn’t started to rot.

Crackers with Butter

Small pieces of cracker with a tiny bit of butter smeared on them will definitely tempt mice into the trap. They love carbohydrates!


Just like millions of humans, mice also can’t resist the smell of bacon. Even when it’s raw, they still will be drawn to it. For the best results, fry it up, and you can even use the grease in the trap.

Smelly Soft Cheese

There is a common belief that mice can’t resist cheese, but this isn’t exactly true. What they do like, are those soft cheeses that have a stronger smell, like Blue Cheese, Brie or Camembert.

The Myth about Mice and Cheese

Every cartoon that includes mice almost always has them nibbling on a chunk of hard cheese. But in reality, they seldom are attracted to the good old regular cheeses. Mice are more inclined to go for the softer ones that are easier to eat, and the smell is stronger so they sense it easier.

Mice are actually highly attracted to foods that are carbohydrates, but they will eat cheese if there is nothing better on offer. This is why regular cheese isn’t good bait in the traps – they will nearly always find something else that is more appealing by roaming through your house and cupboards.

Baits that Aren’t Food

You don’t just have to use food as bait in your mouse traps. Another great option is to put in items the mice can use to build their nests. Female mice especially will be attracted to nesting materials in a trap. To make it even more efficient, place the trap with the nesting materials in an area where the mice are likely to nest. They commonly nest in attics, where it is dark and they seldom get interrupted by humans.

Good nesting materials include:

  • Shredded paper
  • Tissue paper
  • Hay or straw
  • Yarn
  • Twine

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