Special features:
1. Flexible grafting tape adheres to itself with stretch gently
2. Allow gas to pass through.Excellent moister barrier for grafting and budding
3. Used for budding and grafting plants. Quick healing for cambium contacts
4. Suitable for apple trees, citrus trees, peach trees, flat peach trees, persimmon trees and other fruits and flowers bud and grafting
5. Stretches with plant growth. Easy to remove after the tree heal itself
6. High sucess rate of grafting
How to use it:
1. Carve the bud out of the tree. Make sure you cut deep enough to expose the green layer below the bark; The cut should extend to about three-quarters of an inch above the bud.
2. Choose a good spot on the host tree. Ideally you want to graft to a branch – or sapling – that’s between a quarter and one inch in diameter, and find a place as far from any existing buds as possible. If necessary trim away any buds within six to eight inches of the graft site.
3. Make a vertical cut about an inch long where you want to place the bud. At the top of it make a horizontal cut a third of the way round the branch or trunk – you’ve created your T. Now carefully use the knife to lift the bark either side of the T’s stem,slip the scion into the cut .Use tape or rubber budding strips for this, being careful not to disturb the scion.
4. Cut a scion in the same way, but instead of making a T cut slice away a section of the host’s bark about the same size as the scion – the closer to matching the size, the better. Notch the bottom of it so the transplanted bud with be held in place, then fit the scion into the cut and trim until the green areas of both are as well matched as possible. Bind with tape or rubber.
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