The Best Way to Get Rid of Field Mice in Your Garden Areas and Backyard

Did you plan on planting a few rows of sweet yellow corn only to realize the next day everything was dug up and eaten?  Was your prized squash ruined with nibbles and scrapes? If so, then you have a field mice problem.

Don’t worry! You can get those little critters out of your garden and replant your corn well before the next harvest. It is all a matter of how to get rid of field mice in your yard.

Ten Best Ways to Keep Field Mice Out of Your Yard

It is extremely important to get rid of mice not only in your home but also in your yard. Mice spread diseases such as salmonella and carry other pests such as ticks and fleas. With this list, you can easily figure out how to get rid of mice in your yard and how to get rid of mice in your backyard too!

  • Keep Lawns Trimmed and Neat

The first step to figuring out how to get rid of field mice in your yard is keeping your lawn maintained. As tedious as trimming the lawn sounds it is absolutely necessary, especially if you want to keep those pesky mice away from your veggies. Mice don’t like short grass due to the how vulnerable it leaves them to not only you but also predators such as owls, snakes, dogs, and cats.

Another bonus to cutting the grass is it helps prevent ticks and cuts down flea populations as well. Ticks carry a wide variety of diseases ranging from Lyme disease to various types of bacteria to even causing allergies. If you live in the southwestern part of the United States, then fleas can even carry bubonic plague!

  • Take Care of Compost Piles

Composting is great, especially if you are growing your own organic garden. But if you want to get rid of those nasty rodents from your yard you will need to tidy up the compost pile. Move your compost piles as far away from your home as possible. If you live near a wooded area then move the compost bins there. This way the mice can stay in their natural habitat and out of your home!

If you do intend to keep compost nearby or can’t move it away, try to store your compost materials in plastic bins with lids. This way you cut out the field mouse’s potential home and food source in one fell swoop. Wooden compost boxes deteriorate fairly quickly this can leave a huge opening for mice to take advantage of.

  • Get Rid of Waste and Trash from Garden

After you finish trimming the trees, shrubs, and the grass make sure you properly dispose of the waste away from your garden and home. Mice use tree and shrub trimmings, leaves, and grass to make warm nests. Mice also use the trimmings to hide from predators, especially at night when they are most active.

Since trees, shrubs and grass trimmings take a while to compost you are best off either throwing them away or placing them in a designated compost pile far away from your yard. This is how to get rid of mice in your backyard, garden, and front yard. If you have leftover plant material from your garden, you can compost this easily for next year’s garden.

  • Keep the Bottom Floor of your Home Extra Clean

Landscaping can add value to any home and it looks nice to see all the beautiful blossoms and shrubbery. But make sure you choose your landscaping wisely since shrubs, bushes, and even certain types of plants can easily attract field mice to your home. If you feel you must have bushes and shrubs then make sure you plant them away from the base of your house.

For a nice barrier between your bushes and house place two feet of wide paths around the perimeter of your home. Pebbles, stones, or glass pebbles are all great options since mice dislike having to scamper across them. A great idea for your home may be to forgo shrubs and have a rock garden style landscaping instead. Saves money, water, and keeps the mice away!

  • Move the Woodpile

Live in the north or any place where it gets cold snowy winters? Have that nice wood collection near the side of your house? Well, bad news you will have to move it away from your home. The price you pay for convenience and firewood is giving mice a free area to live in during the winter.

Store the woodpile far away from your home like you would for your compost pile. If you still need it in time for winter then you can always store it near the shed. However, make sure your woodpile is still far away from both your home and garden to keep little seed thieves away.

  • Don’t Park Cars in the Yard

Got a lot of old cars, junk, and furniture just laying around? Well, you will have to recycle or throw it all away if you hope to keep your yard free of mice. Mice like old furniture, abandoned cars, and junk since they provide the perfect shelters for mice. After all, there is a reason you see a lot of rats and mice at the local junkyard.

But don’t worry! The good news is you can scrap most types of metal you have. You can also sell any old usable junk and furniture too. There is nothing like putting money in your pocket and keeping mice away. It is definitely how to get rid of mice in your yard and get some small profit on the side.

  • Keep Trash Containers Secured

The best garbage keeping practice to have is to keep your cans covered, on concrete and a little ways from your home. This way you keep mice out of your home and your yard. The added benefit is you keep more than just mice out of your trash too. Raccoons, foxes, rabbits, birds and other scavenging animals all like to dig around human scraps.

If you can’t move the cans then try to buy ones that come with a latch so that you can shut them tight every time you take out the trash. For extra security, you can also buy special trash bags that are laced with rodent repellent.

  • Food Gardens Must Be at Safe Distance

If you intend to keep a veggie patch, make sure it is a good ways from your home. Mice, rabbits, crows, and other creatures all love your vegetables about as much as you do. So save you, your garden and your yard the trouble and plan your garden placement accordingly.
For extra vegetable security, you can use moth balls around the perimeter of your garden to repel mice and rabbits from stealing your seeds or produce. Using paper plates, tin foil, dryer sheets and some string can also make a great barrier to protect your garden from field mice and other creatures.

  • Wrap the Tree Barks

Have any young trees? Are you planning to have a small private orchard of your own for fresh citrus and more? Well, you will need to wrap their trunks. Mice like to eat tree bark off of fruit trees and young tree saplings. So save the trees and wrap them in either a plastic collar or wire mesh to keep the little field mice at bay.

  • Don’t Store Birdseed Outside – Keep it in the House

Everyone loves watching squirrels do their best to steal birdseed from bird feeders. But squirrels aren’t the only rodents who love birdseed. Field mice and rats also enjoy it too! So if you intend to continue feeding the birds you should find a save storing place inside to keep mice out of your yard and home.
It is recommended to store bird food and pet food in sealed, airtight containers. This will keep the food fresh for the animals and uninvited rodents out. Store the containers in either your shed, spare room, or garage.

Rodent Free Yard – Final Steps

Last but definitely not least, on how to get rid of field mice in your yard is a final once over. Once all the yard work and heavy lifting are done you will need to check around your yard and home for any other possible weak points.
Checker near the base of your house, windows, doors, deck, shed, exposed pipes and electrical wiring, and so on. If you see any evidence of a mouse then you will need to take care of the issue immediately. This is the only way to keep mice away for good or until they make another way into your yard.


It is a lot of work to keep your garden, yard, and backyard free of little woodland creatures, but your vegetable patch, family, and home will thank you. Figuring out how to get rid of field mice in your yard naturally is fairly simple when you use these simple steps and tricks. You can now plant your crops in peace and enjoy your bountiful harvests mice free!

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